September. The first rainfalls cleanse the grapes and provide some relief to the parched earth.
Everybody is waiting in anticipation and they prepare themselves for the harvest. Each week we walk the rows to check the grapes: by now almost all are dark. Samples of grapes are picked up and assessed for maturity. It is crucial to decide the right moment to harvest. In the meantime the carts are prepared, the grape containers are washed, we brief the children who are eager to assist in the harvest on what to do, the vats are prepared, the tractors and equipment in the cellars are checked. In this period the grapes ripen quickly: the sugar content and the phenolic compounds rise by a quarter of a degree every day.
Finally, in October, we begin: the grape is ripe and, with a little luck, a gentle sun will accompany the days. For a month or so the intense but delicate work day begins very early. After a long year one awaits reward, a present from Bacchus, a gift from the gods.